(39%) and diverse activities for all age groups (34%)However, increased health and safety concerns (30%), conflicting ...
Cybercrime and online fraud is not new, and is something many companies from across a wide range of industries have to contend with as a persistent reality of our increasingly digital lives. In fact, ...
A propósito del Día Internacional de la Mujer, Booking.com comparte los mejores destinos para hacer la famosa ruta de autoconocimiento, inspirada en el aclamado título literario. Elizabeth decidió ...
逾 7 成台灣 Z 世代受社群影響旅遊動機 期待來一場獨旅冒險 「影劇同款」、「Me Time」、「AI科技」、「深度體驗」、「高CP值」成Z世代5大旅遊關鍵字! (臺北訊)2024/08/23 –「Z世代」(於 1997 ...
(臺北訊)2024/08/16 – 「高雄」近 2 年作為國內外知名歌手的演唱會首選之一,讓港都之城也備受關注。除了接踵而至的演唱會以外,「高雄」也是不容錯過的觀光之地,Booking.com 特別推薦「4 ...
香港,2024年9月2日 – 新加坡即將掀起刺激的賽車熱潮,各個賽車愛好者都急不及待去觀看車手穿梭在濱海灣公路賽道上,感愛熾熱的氛圍。同時,新加坡還有許多刺激活動等待旅客探索。
Almost two-thirds (62%) of families rank spending quality time as the main motivator for traveling this year, followed by finding the time to properly relax (58%), and discovering new places (48%).* ...
While crowds flock to the world’s most popular destinations this peak travel season, Booking.com’s research reveals that a ...
El 52% de los viajeros españoles de la comunidad LGTBI+ ha experimentado “discriminación” durante sus viajesopens in new window EnglishEnglish ...
Booking.com’s travel predictions for 2024 highlight how travel isn’t just an escape, but a catalyst for people to experience their best lives. In fact, more than three quarters (78% 1) of survey ...
A cachaça (também conhecida como pinga, marvada, água-que-passarinho-não-bebe, entre outros incontáveis apelidos) é um patrimônio da história e da cultura brasileira, com mais de 1.200 … Ler mais ...
· 该框架旨在指导旅行者选择利于野生动物、社区和环境保护的出行方案; · 成立专家咨询小组,提供战略指导以期确保全球范围内的落实及推广 【上海,中国- 2020年2月21日】今日,由英国 ...