In Puerto Rico and other hard-hit places, marine researchers are trying to restore reefs and make corals more resilient — with some recent success.
Massive, offshore rigs the size of skyscrapers remain at sea around the world. Here's why these environmentalists say some ...
Environmental scientists have observed that grey reef sharks are skipping town more frequently and for longer periods.
Fiji’s sea surface temperatures hit their highest in 650 years, threatening marine biodiversity and coral ecosystems.
The coral reefs of Carriacou, Grenada were badly damaged by Hurricane Beryl two months ago. Footage reveals the resilience of ...
Left to nature, coral’s mating prospects are somewhat restricted by their inability to walk, fly or swipe Tinder to find a mate.
Grey reef sharks are having to abandon the coral reefs they call home in the face of warming oceans, new research finds. Scientists, using a combination of satellite remote sensing and a network of ...
A team of marine ecologists from the National University of Singapore (NUS), led by Associate Professor Peter Todd from the ...
A new wildfire appears at least once a week during the most active season, with many leaving lasting implications for tribes ...
A draft update to the state's water quality rules omits a recommendation to set stricter limits on turbidity that can damage ...
A new theory explains how juvenile crown-of-thorns sea stars (commonly known as starfish) can destabilize coral reefs. The 'degraded reef framework' explains how the loss of live coral, which crown-of ...