Drunk driver kills woman in car crash and shouts ‘another round’ - Crash seriously injures two girls aged 10 and 12, one man ...
This long exposure photo shows traffic driving on Roosevelt Boulevard in Philadelphia, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A large study ...
COLUMBUS – The Ohio State Highway Patrol is teaming up with local law enforcement partners to remove impaired drivers from ...
An accused drunk driver crashed into the back ... He was also cited for Failure to Maintain Lane, Careless Driving, Contributing to an Accident, and Failure to Install an Ignition Interlock ...
Officials say the home was damaged to the point they could see through the wall, through the ground floor, and into the ...
A man is under arrest for a drunk driving accident that killed one woman and injured two children in Madison. Madison Police ...
The family of the men killed in an Old Saybrook boating crash are supporting a proposed CT law that would link drunk driving and boating suspensions.