AAAS provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to engage with decision-makers and inform policy decisions on local, state, and national levels. AAAS educates scientists about the role of ...
This dashboard uses external data quantifying various STEM metrics at the state level. The dashboard currently includes a guide on how to interact with all it's various parts for new users, and ...
Estimated federal research and development (R&D) is the fraction of an agency’s funding that is labeled as specifically for the performance of basic and applied research, development, or the purchase ...
Science serves society best when it is rooted in community. To support AAAS Members and other STEMM professionals in making local impact, the AAAS Office of Membership is excited to announce that the ...
When science reporters miss the chance to pick up on these storylines, the public can miss out on opportunities to get ...
Beginning in 2023, the AAAS Center for Scientific Evidence in Public Issues (EPI Center) and the National Governors Association (NGA) are partnering to host in-person PFAS state policy planning ...