Atlanta officials involved in firing three police officers for tasering car occupants during the curfew the mayor imposed after George Floyd’s death are immune from the lawsuit filed by the officers ...
A total of eight businesses near George Floyd Square have now filed a $49 million lawsuit against Minneapolis. They’re ...
Shapiro said that President Trump should issue a pardon for Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who kneeled on Floyd’s neck until Floyd died, of the federal charges to which he pleaded ...
Congressional Republicans have repeatedly threatened to interfere in city affairs in large and small ways. A measure ...
A call for economic resistance rang out from Antioch Baptist Church, where faith leaders gathered to launch a 40-day boycott of Target.
Some in the city want to govern from extremes. The city will be stuck until they stop, or are stopped.
Wednesday to pay $280,000 to activist Miracle Boyd, who was struck by a Chicago police officer during a protest in Grant Park ...
The murder of George Floyd nearly five years ago prompted many wealth managers to recommit to diversity, equity and inclusion ...
Chauvin is serving both a federal and state sentence in connection with the May 2020 murder of George Floyd. When ...
President Donald Trump stated last Friday he is not considering a pardon for Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police ...
Workers in Washington, D.C., have begun removing the massive street mural that defined Black Lives Matter Plaza. The city created the mural amid mass protests after police murdered George Floyd.
The controversial mural, emblazoned on a downtown block of 16th Street, NW, in D.C. since 2020, is in the process of being ...