Fickou remplaçant, Ollivon hors de la feuille de match, Danty hors du groupe des 42… Le sélectionneur des Bleus a longuement justifié ses choix et ses attentes avant le premier test de ...
Bonjour et bienvenue sur Rugbyrama pour revivre le dernier match de la 10e journée de Pro D2 entre Brive et Colomiers. Bonjour et bienvenue sur Rugbyrama pour revivre le direct commenté la ...
They claim that obedience to God's commandments is good but not necessary for our salvation. Our sin, i.e. disobedience to God, does not affect our salvation. As Luther wrote to Melanchthon ...
They often reward obedience and respect, and they may use discipline to correct a child who acts in an inappropriate or unsafe way. Discipline, punishment, and reward are all part of the parental ...
La principale obédience maçonnique française a retiré, lundi, un texte qui accusait le Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France de favoriser l’antisémitisme. Explications.
Le groupe de hackers Lockbit a revendiqué une cyberattaque contre la Grande Loge nationale française, une obédience ...
“This is known by some scholars as anticipatory obedience. The idea that some people obey in advance to curry favor with aspiring authoritarians.” “Certainly many liberal critics of Trump ...
There’s a name for this kind of behavior, anticipatory obedience, or obeying in advance. We’re seeing it play out this week with these newspaper endorsements, but we’ve seen it before too.
Others argue for a more authoritarian model of democracy in which unconstrained leaders give the people what they want in exchange for their obedience. To reflect this view, we gave information about ...
"Ce qui est terrible dans des histoires comme celles-là", dit-il, "c'est qu'on ne devrait pas réagir. C'est la tactique de la N-VA, toutes les semaines, une provocation (...) pour attirer les ...
From what we know, one of the reasons for the alleged falsification was due to my co-employees' obedience to our superior instructing them to go to various places to accompany the latter in his ...