With a few exceptions, such as butane gas and sugar, the government no longer controls price on consumer goods. Could price ...
The price of fish in Morocco has sparked outrage among consumers due to glaring discrepancies between wholesale and retail ...
Expected since 2021, around forty new Moroccan import standards have recently—and suddenly—come into effect, catching some ...
Faced with skyrocketing unemployment, the government is banking on a new roadmap for 2025, backed by a budget of 14 billion dirhams. The goal: to support investment, expand integration programs, and ...
As our roads remain just as deadly, a new overhaul of the Traffic Code is in the works. Driver’s license reform, increased ...
To liberalize the electricity sector, the first step is the accounting separation of the activities (production, transmission ...
In Marrakech, a fishmonger decided to slash his selling price for sardines to 5 dirhams a kilo. This bold move exposed the ...
Le jeune milieu de terrain franco-marocain Ayyoub Bouaddi, sociétaire du LOSC Lille de football (Ligue 1), détonne par son ...
Paris souhaite restaurer “de bonnes relations” avec Alger, a assuré mardi le chef de la diplomatie française, espérant que ...
Avant fin 2025, Rabat sera équipée d’un système de vidéosurveillance ultra-performant. Grâce à l’IA et aux technologies ...