La Conférence des Parties est l'organe décisionnel suprême de la Convention. Tous les États (Parties) de la Convention sont représentés à la Conférence des Parties, où ils examinent l'application de ...
Investment decisions on a fleet of deep decarbonisation projects will need to be taken within the next two years in order to stay on track for a 1.5oC net zero aligned scenario. Because the ...
“As we know, stronger climate action delivers huge benefits for people in their daily lives. More jobs, more economic ...
Noticias ONU Cambio Climático, 7 de marzo de 2025 - En vísperas del Día Internacional de la Mujer, ONU Cambio Climático celebra una nueva década de acción climática para avanzar en la igualdad de ...
Effective responses to combat climate change require the mobilization of innovation and action at all levels of government, enterprise and civil society, with participation of non-Party stakeholders ...
Climate Action Can be the Gateway to a New Nigerian Era of Growth and Prosperity: UN Climate Chief Speech ...
One of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance is to assist the COP with respect to the measurement, reporting and verification of the support provided to developing country Parties through ...
The Government of Brazil will host the thirtieth Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 30), with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition to effectively ...
The Compendium on Comprehensive Risk Management Approaches – Volume 2 provides policymakers with a comprehensive framework for integrating risk-informed decision-making into climate action. It ...
Bajo los auspicios de ONU Cambio Climático, las partes interesadas en la moda trabajaron durante 2018 para identificar las formas en que la industria textil, del vestido, y de la moda en general, ...