Carmen Busquets
Carmen Busquets is a Venezuelan entrepreneur, strategic investor and philanthropist, whose career in the luxury fashion industry spans over three decades. A pioneering member of the fashion-tech space, Carmen champions its potential to advance sustainable development, turning the luxury fashion industry into one that balances profit with purpose.
About — Carmen Busquets
Carmen lends her leadership, advocacy, and vital resources to a number of non-profit organizations, helping them to partner with governments as well as public and private sectors so they can achieve long-term, sustainable impact.
Pioneer luxury fashion entrepreneur, early backer of e-commerce, and humanitarian Carmen Busquets’s work has always been a platform for supporting craftsmanship, heritage and technology, and has thrived as a ‘laboratory’ of disruptive ideas that continue to generate.
Portfolio — Carmen Busquets
Past and present investments that include luxury and technology-focused venture capital firms, E-tailers and brands under Carmen Busquets’ portfolio.
Net-A-Porter - Carmen Busquets
In 2000 Carmen became the co-founder investor and the largest individual private shareholder of Net-a-Porter and shared equal rights with Richemont when the Swiss luxury brand owner invested in the company in 2002.
Intro — Carmen Busquets
Carmen, previously co-founder and major investor of Net-a-Porter, began to back creative entrepreneurs and invest in disruptive ideas that aligned with her personal vision, and this naturally evolved into an umbrella company.
Filter: Public Companies — Carmen Busquets
The filters indicate at which stage Carmen initially invested in each company, their status today and Carmen's current level of involvement.
Philanthropy — Carmen Busquets
“Carmen is a Latina powerhouse entrepreneur, who’s been a pioneer in fashion tech, and a mentor to many. She’s a true philanthropist, supporting causes ranging from wildlife conservation to sustainable fashion to girls’ empowerment.
A Thirsty Industry: Fashion's Colossal Water Footprint - Carmen …
Apr 5, 2017 · The Big Picture. Others, fast fashion brands in particular, need to follow suit - some larger textile mills discard as much as 2 million gallons of wastewater per day, most of which flows untreated into surrounding freshwater sources. Even before processing begins, cotton farming requires the application of pesticides and fertilizers, with …
The Business of Fashion — Carmen Busquets
ABOUT THE BUSINESS OF FASHION. Born amidst a fashion industry being radically reshaped by technology, globalization and economic crisis, BoF became the catalyst of a collective conversation amongst fashion professionals from across the world.